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A Community Scorecard for Commercial Populations
Midwest Health Initiative has released its 2024 community scorecard, which summarizes measures of population health, health care utilization, and cost for services provided to commercially insured St. Louisans from 2019 to 2023. Published annually, this resource aids community leaders in identifying areas of focus for population health improvement and tracking trends in population health over time.
The 2024 edition of the St. Louis Health Stats scorecard features new metric additions. In partnership with the National Kidney Foundation, MHI introduced a newly developed measure that tracks how many people with hypertension received the two tests recommended for kidney health screening. Kidney Health Evaluation for Adults with Hypertension measures the percentage of adults diagnosed with hypertension who received both the eGFR and uACR tests screening for kidney disease in each calendar year. Although rates have increased since 2019, only 18.5% of eligible patients with hypertension received the recommended tests in 2023. By adding this measure to its Health Stats Scorecard, MHI hopes to raise awareness and drive increased screening rates and early detection of CKD.
For more highlights from this report, check out MHI's blog!